随着颁奖典礼的结束,为期近8个月的美国学术五项全能(以下简称USAP)之旅终于接近尾声。美国学术五项全能(United States Academic Pentathlon,USAP )是USAD美国学术十项全能的姊妹赛事,也是针对初中学生最权威的综合性主题学术团队竞赛。在过去的8个月里,朝阳凯文的31位学子在老师、父母、队友的合力帮助下,跨越一次次知识迷障,穿越学术荆棘之路,最终收获22项重磅奖项,完成了他们这场学术探索的英雄之旅。
美国学术五项全能(United States Academic Pentathlon,USAP )是USAD美国学术十项全能的姊妹赛事,也是针对初中学生最权威的综合性主题学术团队竞赛。USAP在美国学术界拥有广泛的认可基础,每年都有超过5000名顶尖中学生参与其中,已成为初中学生首选的通识学术体验。
本周四,参赛的同学和家长一起参加了学校组织的反思分享会。在反思会上,同学们一边享用着美味的pizza和小食,一边复盘了自2022年9月以来的备赛和参赛过程的点点滴滴,畅谈自己的感悟,从时间管理、团队协作、领导力等方面分享了自己的心得和经验。在海南之行的线下峰会中,同学们见识到了来自五湖四海的同龄人、看到了对方的优点、开拓了眼界,也肯定了自己的实力和能力。在大赛中没有获奖的同学也意识到自己的差距,并将消极结果转化为积极行动,表示对自己未来的学习和发展更有动力和方向。在会上,Aviva于老师谈及了通识教育的意义,Joan吴老师分享了4C能力的重要性,即Critical thinking 批判性思维,Communication skills 沟通能力,Collaboration 团队协作以及Creativity and innovation 创造与创新。赵钰莲校长在会上感谢了老师们的付出、肯定了孩子们的努力,更提出了抓住机遇成长的重要性。家长代表王梓溪妈妈感谢了老师们在孩子成长道路上的一路陪伴,也表示通过这次比赛看到了孩子的成长和进步。
♥ Nicolas 张荷林
USAP is nothing like the math Contests I ever participated in before. My excitement to try something new could not last when I received the hundreds of pages of Resource Guide, covering Social Sciences, Literature, Fine Arts, Sciences, and Math. I was overwhelmed and didn’t know how to start or where to start. I took the online courses on how to form good learning habits, especially on time management, taking notes, and team collaboration.
I started with the first good habit, say time management. With my mom’s assistance, I made the reading plan in 20 weeks to read RG of 5 subjects, or about 4 weeks for each subject.
The second good habit is reading and taking better notes. My parents tutored me in learning social science and math, but one month later, I was able to self-study by reading the RG and watching online courses independently. In the end, I submitted nearly 40 pages of notes for new vocabulary and terminology, the major events of the time, the calculations, etc.
It’s not easy to complete the task of academic writing. Four of us have weekly meetings to propose possible topics, raise questions, select methods and conduct research on the selected topic. Ms. Jenny and Ms. Aviva offered a lot of help to polish our English and refine the research question. We even learned that the references got formatted! MLA and APA are commonly used.
We have had a lot of rehearsals in the last 2 weeks, for the 45-minutes poster and 10-minute speech. Mr. Florez taught us tips for good speech. For me, the most important thing I have learned is the proper body language.
The race starts on May 1st. I became very nervous because all the competitors were really strong and most of them were older than us. Super Quiz came first. We don’t think we did well on it since we made quite a lot of mistakes. However, we didn’t lose confidence as still have chance to get a better score for poster and speech. The second round was the Academic Poster. We tried to stay focused to deal with the distraction of the very talkative host and voices from other tables. We finished it at the last second with only 3 of us on site. It again told us how important to manage the time wisely. The last is the Academic Speech. We were confident with the practice and good team cooperation.
We were very happy for being awarded the First Place of National Academic Grand Slam Award. It was a big surprise to me! In the nearly 8 months period, I learned much more than I expected. To win in the competition, we need good preps, team collaboration and rehearsals. We need to be confident and never quit. I think we could have done better in the Super Quiz by reading more times of RG. Each of us can spend more time on 1 or 2 subjects according to our strengths or interests. The most important lesson I learned is the team collaboration.
♥ Fischer尚奕舟
Over the past 6 months my team and I have been working on a project named ‘USAP’ which we proudly took part in and have been preparing just for the May 1st 2023. Though I did not get to go to Hainan, which was where it was set. However, I participated online and though I wasn’t there during the grand award-ceremony, I was glad to see people around China gather together in that very place at that very moment gazing at the screen, some cheering, some laughing, some even singing!
Everything there warmed my heart as the work we’ve done over the past few months have finally paid off and we finally got the First Place of National Academic Grand Slam Award.
Though I wasn’t there, I noticed a lot. I remember that no matter how easy or hard the competition was, my team was always working extremely hard, even in the last 30 minutes before it’s our team’s turn to give a speech, it’s still ye team-mates who contacted me and rehearsed the whole thing again and again.
Another thing I was proud of was that I got the best presenter award, which I was proud to be the only one in my group to get!
From the competition, I truly feel that I grew older, made new friends and learned how to control my feelings of being nervous. The whole experience was fantastic, though I or shall I say ‘we’ were online, we were being treated the same and sometimes even better by the organizers, which was really unexpected as though we couldn’t go and experience the joy and happiness of going on stage, we were still able to watch at the same time through live-streaming.
Even after the competition, it is still revisable about the people who participated there, and through the pictures posted, I can see everyone working amazingly.
Though we got a great result, it is sure that the topics are not easy, which is a shame. However, through the competition we managed to understand and learn them in just a few months and set our topic on gender during the American Revolution based on the book chains.
Just as I said we even linked color to gender and worked efficiently from day to night. My team did a lot! They even managed to finish a poster including pictures, writing and beautiful layouts in just a short 40 minutes. For this part, I am proud to be the designer and manager.
No matter if it is our first meeting or during the competition, we will have never dreamed of getting this far and indeed, we deserved it! Though our team had a lot of arguments at first and a lot of chaotic meetings, we managed with our teacher Miss. Aviva to make everything better every second.
Finally, I wish to say thank you to our opponents, our teachers, and everyone who helped us through the game, encouraged us and even those who troubled us. Thank you!
♥ Sissi 付媞皙
I think I also gained some other things in this USAP besides awards. The first and most important thing is that I gained friendship, which is also the basis of teamwork for me. Looking back now, if there was no Angela, our poster would not be so wonderful. I used to think that leadership was just the wisdom of a team leader, but now I find that leadership is actually the ability of a team leader to customize the work he/she can do in the team based on his/her understanding of team members, and to cooperate peacefully with team members. Besides these, I also gained some professional academic knowledge through the academic materials in USAP. Overall, I think I’ve had a very rewarding experience with USAP.
♥ Aviva 于莉
With the end of the award ceremony, the nearly 8-month journey of the US Academic Pentathlon (USAP) has finally come to an end. The United States Academic Pentathlon (USAP) is a sister event of the US Academic Decathlon and the most authoritative comprehensive thematic academic team competition for junior high school students.
In the past 8 months, with the joint help of teachers, parents, and teammates, 29 students of Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy have overcome multiple knowledge barriers and traveled through academic thorns, ultimately winning 22 heavyweight awards, and finishing their heroic journey of academic exploration.
Today, let’s review the highlight moments of CKWA young players in the USAP competition!